Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Crazy Poems by Alexander (my son)


My hair is like a jungle for little men.
My eyes are like rivers near a big lense.
My hands are like sticks on a rock.
My heart holds a monster that is
red as fire theat burns.
I live in a refrigerator and
eat anything that doesn't squirm.

Cloud Story
It makes shapes from itself
and it's puffy up there.
It can look like me or you
and it's fluffy to everyone too.
It can tell you things from itself
like if it rains or storms.
It swims high up in the big lake
even though it's white mostly.
It spreads its arms out high
but it's gray when it's stormy or scary.

Take me to the video games
(Take me out to the ball game)
Take me over to the video games
take me straight to the battle.
I want to set off some bombs too
I don't see what is wrong.
So I know some cheat codes
even if you don't.
For it's one, two, three monsters dead
in this cool video game.






bank robbers




Cthulhu has strength like a lot of men.
The chainsaw monster can cut well!
The gug has a human shape.
The cannon monster, close to a pirate.
The fire demon walks on the land.
The grave, a pirate ship.

Da boy colors
The color of chocolate.
The color of orks.
Brown as my dog's food.
Dirty like dirt.
The color of mega man.
The color of the ocean.
Ble as my bed.
Blue like the sky.
The color of my mind.
The color of a tire.
Black as the shadows.
Dark as darkness.

The zombie is so strong
not easy to hurt or kill.
Evil of the doomed.

King Kong is so strong
he is so huge he is strong
no one can stop him
He climbs the Empire (State) Building
but he fall in the face of death.

My mind
My mind has a lot of darkness in the back.
Past the strange shadows that move around.
Look out for the beast, smack!
It will attack with its hoove(s) on the ground.
Now you are blind in the darkness.

Monsters make fear.
Or a taco salad.
No it was an enchilada.
So fear the spicy foods.
To hear is to fear.
Even if you are Joe.
Right after lunch though.


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