Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spencer Media from 2000?

These sketches I did for Spencer Media's website from 2000 (I think?). #13a "How will they remember their stay?," Mail Boxes Etc. (the bright blue one) we photographed before 9/11 happened. The sketch was from a snow globe containing a NYC skyline with the water leaking out from the broken globe. They were drawn well before they fired me (in 2003) after I had enjoyed a nice vacation and I had brought everyone gifts (I know I'm venting.) As with everything Spencer Media did (in typical fashion) they weren't used.

#1 "How does Spencer Media see the world [of] adverting[?]"
Apple VR
• scan to reveal images in a space
In scene
• vid. camera/TV/print
• billboard/person

#2 "The Spencer Media Creative Mind
• Image Map navigation
• Rollover Buttons to reveal titling

#3 "The Spencer Bunch"
• Each links to a different aspect of company
based on the job description of person
• caricatures

#4 "VR of inside of Car"
• TV in back
• collateral pieces, etc. on floor

#5 "Prairie dog punch" (Like whack-a-mole) with people's heads coming over the top of cubicle/to sound track Flash 4 20 hits/score @ end. Filmed live action. (Kubicle Kong)

#6 "Please follow us through the ad process"
À la 50's-60's Educational B/W (Announcer old kitschy voice.)
"Glowie & retro" each stage is discussed à la section

(Japanese Animé section)

# 8 "Meet the Spencer Media Staff"
• vignettes stck of Madison Ave types
• Portal to rest of site

#9 Spencer Media - We'll do ad for food...
...and ads for farm preservation...
...and hair replacement...etc.
(Δ each for each card) Show each ad series after ea card

#10 Spencer Media Keyboard
"traditional advertising...and MODERN"
keyboard morphs a la Flash to "slick/modern/lozenge/funky design"

#11 "In order to get into some of the more prestigious magazines on award shows, some
agencies will stop at nothing..."

#11b "...and sometimes sometimes a butt's just a butt."
tag - "Spencer Media - we're not trying to change the world–this is just the best advertising for Chrissake!"

#12 "Prime cuts avatar" - select-a-sections
Flash? – Same a(s) car purchase ads
Rotates in space to get 360˚ view

#13 "Talking picture book"
page moves > TV > Radio (Make photo/ills to represent radio)
"Stories" may be a brief nugget of the piece/project in particular


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