Friday, May 04, 2007

Stroke – May 2-4 (1st Anniversary) Part 2

...I first visited with the women who took care of me after I left the hospital at Lancaster General's Health Campus, on Harrisbug Pike (that's in Lancaster–I last saw them about 2 months ago.) I went there for my monthly blood drawing–I hope it was a nice drawing–wish I could draw, hahaha. Then, I visited Lancaster General Hospital (the main hospital.) I visited with the rehab women–on the fifth floor. I was glad to see them! They were glad to see me as well. I last tried to visit them about 2 months ago as well but it was after hours so I got to see a few of them. After that, I had Betsy stop at Manor Beverage to buy Guinness for me (I paid her back of course.) Because of the blood thinners I can only drink 2, but I wanted to celebrate my anniversary, hahaha...(more to come)


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