This is just a brief little funny I jotted down in 1989. When reviewing and scanning all my drawings I stumbled across this bit of pyrite. I hadn't given it a second thought, but through the miracle of modern computers and the
internets I was able to, within the space of one-half hour, bring to life a long lost creation. A-maaaa-zing... I used to keep a shoebox in which I would toss my stray ideas for further execution. Usually the thoughts came after a weekend at Penn State from about 89-94, with Sue driving (most likely our crappy little Plymouth Horizon
or Dodge Aries--WHAT were we thinking?!?) and endorphins in my brain popping along smoothly enough to give me nicely creative ideas. Upon later review of some of those ideas, they weren't very great--maybe neither is this one. Who knows? That's for you to decide. I've already shared this with a few people and they patted me on the head and told me "That's really nice, John. You're a
good little drawer, aren't

By the way, sadly, I've lost my idea shoebox somewhere in moving from apartment to house to final resting place. Hope this lost nugget causes just a small chuckle.
As always, click on the image to embiggen. Also, when reading the finished piece, do the voice!! You know you wanna.
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