Thursday, March 23, 2006

Where is my Barry Goldwater?

Even before the recent trend of Bushies distancing themselves from him, I was told by my brother that he's really an independent. My brother-in-law told me that he's really a libertarian (then quickly regretted it). My friend in Atlanta called himself a libertarian too. All these people who voted for Bush--life couldn't get any better for the Republican party and Bush supporters. What happened? Bush's second term happened. The truth, and reality, is always exposed in a second-term presidency (see Reagan). Maybe they were canaries in this darkening coal mine? Ha! Probably not. I'm doing fine, what's YOUR problem?

Soon, the whole [country] will be [evolutionized], Daddy! [Thanks Devo--NO, not TiVo!]

This idea has been brewing in my head for a few weeks now. With apologies to Paula Cole and many thanks to Calvin Trillin.

Where Have All the Republicans Gone?

Oh they got you ready just because of your daddy

Why yes you’ll get into Skull and Bones

Take shelter in the National Guard

An MBA at Harvard

Would you like at least a passing grade

We’ll do all the heavy lifting you just sit and relax


Where is our Ronald Reagan

Where is our Barry Goldwater

Where is our happy ending

Where have all the Republicans gone

Why don't you run Arbusto

And drive it into the ground

Your daddy’s buddies will keep you afloat

Oh we know that you partnered with Salem bin Laden

Osama’s half-brother and cousin

We will turn a blind eye if you just just strike it rich

Where is our Ronald Reagan
Where is our Barry Goldwater

Where is our happy ending

Where have all the Republicans gone

We’ll elect you two times in a row

But you don't, but you don't really notice us

Vote for lies

Vote for lies

Vote for lies

We’re finally coming around

While your ratings start to slowly slip

And you beat the drum against Iran

You sold us out to the UAE

And you slept during Katrina

Almost everything you do now reeks

Others still support you while your friends all head to jail

Where is our Ronald Reagan
Where is our Barry Goldwater

Where is our happy ending

Where have all the Republicans gone

Where is our Rick Santorum

Where is his looney base

Where is our only savior

Where has all the Right Wing gone

Where has all the Right Wing gone

Where has all the Right Wing gone

Yippee yo, yippee yeah


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