Mean Mr. Redneck works in Shop, he never stops...

There are Redneck Comedy Tours now, Larry the Cable Guy has a new movie, NASCAR is the #1 growing sport, two of the biggest female bubble gum popstars are REAL rednecks--Holy Cow! (Britney, Jessica), and everyone is now getting monster SUVs (yes, I think that is a hillbilly act of aggression). Not only that, but people continue to PROUDLY display the Confederate battle flag with gun racks in the back of their trucks and we're called intolerant if we think the Stars and Bars is a racist symbol. Believe me, my own brother thinks that Democrats are all racist and intolerant. This coming from one of the biggest redneck capitals in the world, Colorado Springs. Eek!
From my experience, rednecks are mostly cruel and intolerant bigots who, even WITH the benefit of a college education, cannot understand any concept more complicated than his gun, his dog, his truck and his beer--maybe his wife, as long as she keeps her yap shut and doesn't go askin' for a beatin'.
Ok. Maybe I'm generalizing a little too broadly and being equally as mean-spirited. But, maybe as these cartoons progress (YES, they will be a series of my experiences with the redder necks I've met in my life), however, you too will see, by MY perspective, why I think it's ridiculous to celebrate ignorance, Philistinism, racism and intolerance.
Don't believe the Larry-the-Cable-Guy-is-one-of-us hype. None of them are that cute and lovable--Fight the Power!
Also, remember, if you disagree with me, just post a response.
It's worth noting that I lived only 35 miles north of where Brandon Teena (Boys Don't Cry) was raped, 20 miles north of where she was murdered. What a delightful little corner of the world!
From Wikipedia: "Brandon Teena (December 12, 1972 - December 31, 1993; born Teena Renae Brandon) who was known simply as Brandon, was born in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is the subject of the Academy Award-winning 1999 film Boys Don't Cry, which was itself based on the documentary film The Brandon Teena Story.
In 1993 Brandon, being female-to-male, identified and lived as a man. He was dating a local woman named Lana Tisdel. On Christmas Day, two acquaintances - John Lotter and Marvin Thomas Nissen - discovered that Brandon had been born female and raped him in Falls City, Nebraska. Brandon reported the rape to the local sheriff, Charles B. Laux, who dismissed the allegations. When Lotter and Nissen discovered that Brandon had gone to the police they murdered him, the woman with whom he was staying, and another friend on December 31, 1993.
Laux was criticised after the murder for his lack of action and his attitude towards Brandon — at one point Laux referred to Brandon as "it" (see Trial details link). Nissen testified against Lotter and was given a life sentence; Lotter was sentenced to death and is currently on Death Row.
At the time of his death Brandon had neither commenced hormone therapy nor had sex reassignment surgery. However, some note that Brandon had planned to have sex reassignment surgery. As with many other female-bodied persons who live as men, it has occasionally been claimed that Brandon was a lesbian. However, there was no compelling evidence that this was true in Brandon's case (compare homosexuality and transgender)."
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