His name was Kenny, he was a showgirl...

This drawing was done roughly around the time Ken was active in Gulf War I. During that time, we (Sue & I) had tried to entertain him and send him things while he was in Saudi, having heard that soldiers have a LOT of free time in the desert. We even sent him a bag of chocolate which he ate immediately. We were just starting out and the candy bars they made specially for the desert were REALLY expensive! He said that he got the bag and honked them all down at once. Well, it was worth a shot. Gave him one minute of happiness, I suppose. Although the endorphin rush of all that chocolate probably lasted quite a while afterward as well.
Also around that time we has been going back to the House for New Year’s celebrations (ah, those were younger, hippier days, my friends). I remember videotaping the party and sending him the tape. To this day I wonder if he kept it? I wonder what we said? I wonder if I dropped my pants? Most of you would unequivocally say YES to the last question! Nice. You people think you know me. Uh...I guess you do.
Thank God Ken returned to us after his helping liberate Kuwait. The only fatality Ken suffered, as I was told later, was his camera when he was in the Battle of Khafji.
I did this drawing back then, but never finished it. Like alot of things, I just wandered off and only returned to it many years later. Just had to draw in a few of the “chocolate chips”.
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